Woman believes Amazon worker swapped wig for matted, dirty hair

MEMPHIS, Tenn.– A Cordova businesswoman says a wig she bought online may have been swapped by an Amazon worker in Memphis for used hair.

Trinika Tolbert is the owner of Galore Body Spa & Sculpting in Cordova. Last week, she said she spent over $200 on a ready-to-wear wig through Amazon but what she got was already worn.

The wig Trinika ordered compared to the wig she received.

“I opened it and discovered it was a used wig. The wig was already customized, the wig was very matted, had a very foul sort of smell to it,” Tolbert said. “Matted, balled up, not useable, unacceptable.”

Prompting her to quickly toss the hair and make a post on Facebook, calling out an Amazon warehouse worker for swapping out her wig.

“They literally sent me a wig off of someone’s head,” she said. “I think that a employee from one of the Memphis sites here Amazon possibly could have switched my wig out.”

Tolbert said the wig came in a sealed Amazon package with a label reading MEM-5 which a quick web search shows it’s a sortation center in the Memphis area.

She said the wig was inside a satin bag, but it was not pre-packaged or wrapped.

“A huge nightmare and I feel like it definitely needs to be addressed,” Tolbert said.

She said Amazon did refund her $215 for the wig, but the situation needs to be handled to prevent others from falling victim.

Addressing the allegations, Amazon said it has taken steps to make things right for Tolbert. A spokesperson sent us the following statement:

“We take these matters seriously and have worked directly with our customer to immediately refund her money and make the situation right for her. We’re also investigating the incident and will take any necessary actions based on what we find.”

Tolbert said since making her viral post she’s learned other people have also had similar stories when ordering from Amazon.